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Our Path to Infinite Abundance

From the teachings of Aloha Food Forest

Are Food Forests the World's Best Investment?

There are good reasons to believe they are!

Learn how nature expands fractally to provide you with food freedom, health freedom, and financial freedom

Cocreating with Nature provides a return on investment that approaches infinity over time!

Let our courses empower you to grow a food forest garden in your yard for health, wealth, and freedom!

Use your produce to create health, body, and hair care products, household cleaning solutions, healing solutions, and fun projects!

Join Food Forest University

Food Forest U

Members enjoy the following courses...

The 8 Step Path to Growing a Food Forest

Go from working hard to maintain your lawn to enjoying the fruits of your long-lasting food forest garden in 8 steps.

Start with step 1, and move through step 7, walking your way into growing a food forest. In step 8, learn to embrace the bounty in each season as you co-create with the rhythms of a food forest garden.

Create Hair Care Products from your Garden Produce

Nourish your hair and body with our miracle hair and body care product that comes from the garden and returns to the garden to nourish it too!

Create Household Cleaner from Garden Produce

This fantastic cleaner smells fresh and uses enzymes to remove stains, mold, mildew, and hard water deposits. Leaves the sink sparkling as it helps the plumbing system by cleaning pipes. Also fertilizes the garden.

Make Pain Relieving Tincture from wild lettuce - safe to use!

Learn to spot the "weed" wild lettuce, which may be growing in your yard or in a wild area near you.

Learn to harvest wild lettuce sustainably - so that it grows back even fuller after you have taken a piece from it.

Learn to make the "tincture" which keeps for a long time in a cupboard.

Learn to use the tincture for pain relief.

Create Dried Herb Blends - A pleasant and convenient way to consume herbs!

Beautiful nutritious green herbs are foods that our bodies can use. Here is a way to process, save, and easily add green leafy herbs to flavor recipes.

Create Beautiful Fresh Flower Crowns

These are fun to wear to parties and festivals and make everyone happier!

"FOOD FOREST UNIVERSITY" is awesome because..

You can grow streams of food income for decades just about anywhere on the Earth.

By planting a food forest garden, you will be gifting nutrient-dense foods, medicines, and supplies to people and wildlife in future generations! It’s a living legacy. Fruit and nut trees can live for decades and even centuries, continuously providing food every year. Annual herbs, beans, flowers, and herbs naturalize and grow again every year by seed. People have grown food forests everywhere on Earth including deserts (Geoff Lawton) and mountains (Sepp Holzer). So you can grow one near you. The key is to select region-specific fruit trees, nut trees, and other edible plants in layers, and co-create with nature’s powerful fractal growth patterns as we grow food in our yards.

You will grow harmoniously with Earth’s natural forces.

Imagine creating a beautiful ecosystem where plants, animals, fungi, and humans can all thrive together. It's a fulfilling feeling to help protect the wildlife and in turn, they help us. The trees in this ecosystem are designed to absorb moisture from the air and rain and channel it into the soil. They also produce fresh oxygen as they absorb carbon dioxide. The forest operates on the principle of unity, with various species coexisting and contributing to the habitat in unique ways. Some species recycle fallen plant and animal material, enriching the soil for new growth. The diverse range of species in this ecosystem ensures that no single population of insects or organisms can wipe out all others. It's a wonderful cycle of life that benefits everyone involved.

Produce grown in living soil tastes better and has more nutrients.

The strawberries taste amazing like you never tasted a strawberry before! The oranges smell heavenly and are heavy with delicious juice, and the nuts are fat and sweet. The herbs are extra potent with essential oils. Food forest produce nourishes our bodies with minerals from deep in the earth and energy from the sun. When you eat freshly picked food, the life force of the food imparts into your body. Satisfying hunger and cravings. When you cook with the produce, your meals contain their nutrients. Imagine walking out into your backyard to find a gorgeous garden with a fantastic assortment of fresh, nutrient-dense fruits, nuts, vegetables, herbs, and flowers, ready to pick and eat fresh or in your favorite recipes. You get gentle exercise as you enjoy being in nature, performing the various jobs involved in growing and maintaining the land. Trimming trees, planting trees, harvesting, mulching, removing weeds when you wish to grow something in their place, and planting seeds are all pleasant ways to improve your mood as you move your body while out in the fresh air and sunshine.

You will save money on groceries, water bills, and health maintenance costs.

Every time you eat your free food instead of buying food from elsewhere, you spend less money and increase your food

independence. When your body is healthy from eating and exercising in the garden, you require fewer supplements, medical treatments, or pharmaceutical prescriptions, so you save on medical bills too. Food forests require less outside water to grow! According to our water bill, our food-forested home uses 42% less water than the average neighbors, many of whom don’t have food forests.

Have you ever dreamed of walking out into your backyard to find a gorgeous garden with a fantastic assortment of fresh, nutrient-dense fruits, nuts, vegetables, herbs, and flowers, ready to pick and eat fresh, or to cook meals with?  Then I’m here to show you the way to achieve this even if you have never gardened before.

Food forests offer something for everyone!

Are you or a family member struggling with being overweight?  Nutrient-dense food forest produce satisfies and nourishes our bodies.  By adding fresh food to your diet each day, your hunger and cravings diminish.

Are you struggling with illness or hoping to help an ill family member?  Food eaten from a happy, healthy food forest imparts healing to our bodies in many different ways, many of which are yet to be understood by modern science

I’ve learned a great deal about what works and what doesn’t.

Tractors, Tillers, Fertilizers, and Hard Labor are not needed to grow an abundant, year-round food forest garden! You will learn to set up your food forest and maintain it as it grows over time.

Insecticides and toxic sprays are not required in a food forest! Everything from tall fruit and nut trees down to underground root crops like carrots and onions grow together into a forest of food, which became a unified, self-regulating community of plant and animal biota.

There's more than meets the eye in a food forest, and you will be the one who knows its secrets! Your plants will be edible, medicinal, beautiful, or useful for crafts. Your garden will be like a wild garden, with wildlife enjoying it too!

Living with natural abundance heals the heart and soul, as well as the body. Forests clean the air, the water, and support all life on Earth. The soil dwellers can even clean up pollution, such as radiation and toxic chemicals.

Please don't miss this opportunity to grow a food forest near you!

Your life is about to change

Unlock the Secrets of a Hidden World - Discover Your Garden's True Potential with Our Expert Tips and Tricks!

To create a successful food forest, you have to think about both existing plants and choosing new plants and from the very beginning. Why?

  • There are many useful "Weeds" growing in your garden already! Successful co-creators know the uses of these plants and include many of them in their food forests. The results are instant gardens! I can show you how to figure out how to identify what's growing around you before you start creating.

  • Lots of methods out there are not delivering the results they promise. For instance, raised bed gardens can get very hot in summer and very cold in winter. Raised bed growers have good intentions to deliver results—but, because they are unaware of the soil food web, and don't understand the importance of the unified community, they miss the mark.

  • Many gardens miss the mark because they are missing one or more of some critical elements that have to be included to generate results. Realizing the importance of soil life, the benefits of the plants already growing, managing the ecosystem, and learning to observe/observing to learn.


They grow gardens that live for decades, abundantly growing useful plants that reproduce themselves.

We learn to co-create with the infinitely abundant life forces around us. We help them, and they help us!

We have an opportunity to create heaven on earth!

If you like Anastasia and her spaces of love, you are in the right place!

Co-create a Beautiful Aloha Filled Environment for Wildlife!

These learning courses will open your eyes to the wonder around you, arousing your curiosity and leading you to playfully experiment with nurturing the life around you.

Curiosity drives you to learn what each specific kind of flora, fauna, and fungi are called, and what they do to provide to the community.

You see the entire system for the beauty that it is.

Food Forests are unified ecosystems, and all biota are contributing specific help.

Next, you understand that you are here to playfully co-create a space of love and beauty.

Eat like Royalty!

Food grown in a food forest with living beings like worms and fungi in the soil is the most amazing tasting food, which also nourishes your body with exactly what it needs to thrive..

We take a lot of steps together to learn and grow using our hearts and wisdom.

Step by Step, engage in observing and learning.

They Heal the Earth's Water, Air, Soil, and Life

Everywhere on Earth is benefitted from growing food forests! They tame the wind, and channel water into the soil. They house us and wildlife.

  • Scared of buying grocery store foods?

Chemical sprays, GMO grains, and insects as ingredients got you down? Free yourself from fear when you pick food you grew and know is safe.

  • Suffering from poor health?

Let freshly picked nutrient-dense food from your food forest nourish your body with what is was designed to thrive with.

  • Overweight?

When fresh garden foods add nutrients to your diet, they satisfy your body's needs. Even eating a small portion of your food from a food forest will help tune your body and fulfill it's needs. You substitute nutritious food for empty calorites.

  • Want to lower your food expenses?

Much of what grows in a food forest just volunteers there, and the fruits and nuts that you plant will continually feed you year after year. You can still shop for foods, but you will not need to purchase many of the herbs, spices, seasonal fruits and veggies, and mushrooms.

  • Scared of running out of food sources?

Television programming regularly warns us that we could be running out of food. Your food forest will keep growing food for generations, and even feeding the wildlife, like bunnies, game birds, etc. The amazon rainforest is a food forest that was planted by humans long ago, and is still full of incredible resources. Even without humans tending to it.

The "8-step path to creating a food forest" course is

offered in 8 weeks of learning modules.

Each module, released weekly over 8 weeks, includes video, downloadable tools, skill-building exercises, and the opportunity to apply the content immediately to the food forest you are designing.

You'll be experiencing engaging online learning as you learn to design your own food forest with guidance from Tutu and input from others in the course.

8 Weeks

Video Lessons

PDF Guides

Membership Group

Excellent Support


A tiny yard, a large yard, or community garden can be a food forest! You can plant one at a church or around your business.

Let's find your patch of land!


Be amazed as you learn how many valuable plants you have growing near you


Let's discover the plants you love that will grow successfully in your area!


Install nature's fertilizing system - a layer of mulch to cover the soil. How to get mulch for free, and how to distribute it on the forest floor.


Have fun using these techniques to transform the lowest layers of the food forest into a valuable garden!


Master the art and science of watering your soil.


Learn a multitude of ways to protect young plants from pests, and how wildlife benefits the food forest.


Now You have installed your food forest! In this final lesson, you learn about the annual and seasonal cycles of a food forest and how to leverage each year's growth to make the next year more productive.

You'll be providing the best quality food to your family!

Once Again, Here's Everything You

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  • Bonus Done-For-You Excel Files, Resource Lists & Templates

Learn the best plants to grow in your area, and how to source your food forest plants.

  • Access to Food Forest Installers through Food Forest Abundance

If you need someone to install the food forest plants for you, we can connect you with qualified food forest installers from our friends at Food Forest Abundance!

  • Bonuses

Get access to seeds from Aloha Food Forest

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The 8-Step Path Course, plus all

Lifestyle Courses

Trusted by Certified Students

Let us help you too!

Eric S.

I learned so much about food forests and received my certificate of completion. I'm enjoying growing a food forest in my yard.

Sam C.

Completing this course taught me everything I need to know, and we are so excited to be starting our food forest!

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